Sunday, August 2, 2009

AJ Smith wants a fast Start to the Season

AJ is looking for the Chargers to start fast this year and keep ahead of the standings in wins all the way to the Super Bowl, he does not want the players reading their own press clippings and believing they can win the easy way. The games will have to actually be played and the players will have to actually win it all on the field, where the other teams want to win too, and they are all Pro Football Players. I believe the Chargers players have finally matured and realize this year is theirs only if they earn it, press clippings mean nothing before the games actually played.

"It's, 'We're the Chargers!' " said Smith, sitting in his office overlooking the
sprawling practice fields. "It's, 'Well, we could have won the game against
Carolina, last second. Well, [referee Ed] Hochuli took the other game away.
We're the Chargers. Everything's going to be fine.'

"Hey, boys, you're 4-8."

"We'd like to start off this year with the mind-set of, let's have a decent
beginning here," he said. "Let's not put our backs against the wall and create
this awful situation where you're fighting for your life to get in. If we're a
playoff-caliber team, let's prove it in a normal fashion."

"From what I'm hearing nationally and from what people are telling me," he
said, "people are still picking us to go to the Super Bowl, and some people are
even going to pick us to win the Super Bowl. Television guys that will be making
predictions later on have already made up their mind and told me."After last
year, I thought we'd be so far under the radar that we wouldn't have to worry
about any of that. I was wrong."